- Phiên bản XF tương thích
- 2.3
If you’d like to boost registrations and deter guests viewing all your content use this add-on.
If you'd like to BOOST paying memberships by blurring certain forums, forcing users to upgrade, this is the add-on for you!
Select the number of posts that will blurred per page, or choose to blur all posts for chosen forums and threads.
Users will need to register or log in to view blurred posts.
Features include:
If you'd like to BOOST paying memberships by blurring certain forums, forcing users to upgrade, this is the add-on for you!
Select the number of posts that will blurred per page, or choose to blur all posts for chosen forums and threads.
Users will need to register or log in to view blurred posts.
Features include:
- Blurred text appears 100% identical to actual post text
- But it's actually illegible and unreadable when viewing source or "inspecting"
- You can enable or disable obfuscating text by user and guests
- Set the number of posts visible per page (or blur every post)
- Target Articles and Question threads
- Fade text on X number of paragraphs of text or fully blur
- Ability to ignore stickies
- Ability to ignore forums
- Ability to specifically include thread_id’s, even if the forum falls under ignored forums
- Ability to trigger the registration overlay automatically
- Ability to set a message above each blurred post
- Ability to cloak for bots and crawlers (recommended)
- This is not mandatory and the blurred text can be shown to Google/Search engines if you wish
- NEW: Choose your implementation:
- Guests Only
- Users Only
- Guests & Users
- NEW: Lightweight database tracking system implemented
- NEW: Statistics automatically added to XF stats system
- Tracks blur thread views, blur guest registrations, blur user upgrades
- NEW: Moved notices to an actual template that allows variables and regular HTML (User mode only)
- NEW: 4 permission groups added for (permissions for [User] or [Guests & Users] mode only)
- (perm) unblur posts
- (perm) unblur stickies
- (perm) unblur X posts
- (perm) unblur X paragraphs
- Installer sets default options so that all users see 'unblurred' posts (including guests)
- Please understand xenforo permission system and set as needed BEFORE enabling the AddOn
- NEW: Options for notice placement (Users System)
- NEW: Option to remove common actions from blurred forums (reply, like, create, etc) (user mode only)
- NEW: Performance improved by extracting posts directly versus itering to find them
- NEW: Option to toggle obfuscating post text for guests
- NEW: Option to toggle obfuscating post text for users
- NEW: Option to choose whether to remove images when post is blurred
- NEW: Option to prevent users masquerading as crawlers to avoid blur
- All language in phrases
- Supports multilingual translation