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Resource 'AndyB - Change User Register Date'
Allows changing the register date for individual user. (Example of Change user register date overlay) Features: All phrases start with changeuserregisterdate_ for your convenience. How to use: Add changeuserregisterdate to your forum URL. Questions and answers: Q: Who can use this add-on? A: You must be an admin to use this add-on.
Resource 'Wutime - Content Blur Pro'
If you’d like to boost registrations and deter guests viewing all your content use this add-on. If you'd like to BOOST paying memberships by blurring certain forums, forcing users to upgrade, this is the add-on for you! Select the number of posts that will blurred per page, or choose to blur all posts for chosen forums and threads. SEO-friendly. Users will need to register or log in to view blurred posts. Features include: Blurred text appears 100% identical to actual post text But...
Resource 'XenFocus - Villain'
Villain for xenforo 2 Villain is a dark, semi-transparent theme focused around a simple background picker and fixed header. Perfect for any community, but especially great for gaming sites! Style features Theme Editor All xenfocus themes come with the "Theme Editor" - an easy to use box which allows your members to customize the theme to their needs. Fixed header When scrolled, the navigation sticks to the top of your browser for easy access. Responsive theme This theme will...
Resource 'Ekin Xenforo Premium Themes'
DEMO Ekin brings together everything that modern forum communities need. It features a clean and minimalist design crafted for XenForo. With both light and dark mode options, it offers seamless integration with any forum structure, catering to various styles. Premium Design: A responsive layout optimized with the latest web technologies. It supports retina displays and modern browsers, ensuring flawless visuals across all screen resolutions. Easy Customization: Its flexible structure...
Resource 'Ultimate Content Display'
Thanks to this plugins you can: set image background set category (easy field) set link color set description color set category color set animated effects (predefined) set up to 6 elements of content set height for main content set height for responsive design set colors for gradients set hover effect You can also change design mode to only show 4 (upper ones) content elements.
Resource '[OzzModz] Country Flags by IP Address'
Hiển thị quốc gia của các thành viên của bạn dựa trên địa chỉ IP hiện tại của họ. Add-on này sử dụng cơ sở dữ liệu GeoLite2-Country và DB Reader của MaxMind. Add-on này không yêu cầu phải cài đặt mod_geoip trên máy chủ của bạn. Tính năng: Hoạt động với cả địa chỉ IP IPV4 và IPV6 Chọn những nhóm người dùng có thể xem cờ Chọn nơi các lá cờ được hiển thị. Cập nhật cơ sở dữ liệu tự động NHỮNG THAY ĐỔI TỪ PHIÊN BẢN XF 1.x Quyền xem cờ không còn trong tùy chọn add-on, chúng nằm trong user/user...
Resource 'Siropu - Ads Manager 2'
There are 11 ad types available: 1. Code Display HTML/JavaScript ads such as affiliate banners, Amazon product widgets, Adsense, etc. This ad type also supports PHP callback to generate your own custom code. 2. Banners Display banner ads that you can upload directly or from an external source. You can use multiple images to rotate randomly on each page load. 3. Text Display text ads with custom title, description and optionally a banner image. 4. Links Display link ads with custom title...


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