• If a file link is broken, please leave a comment below, and we will update the link promptly. For any other issues, please submit a ticket to contact us!
• We have a multi-account detection system and will take strict measures against duplicate registrations!
• Reminder: If your account remains inactive for more than 180 days, the system will automatically delete your account!
• We respect our users and also expect you to have a pleasant conversation.
Limit Resource Downloads v2.3.1 (for XF 2.3) and v2.2.6 (for XF 2.2) are now available!
This update fixes an issue where attempting to download a non-existent resource would cause an unexpected error. (Reported by @CommanderVex)
To make versioning clearer, we’ve updated the version numbers as follows:
- The 1.1.x series is now renamed to 2.2.x (latest version 2.2.6 released today) and will continue to support XenForo 2.2.x.
- The 1.2.x series is now renamed to 2.3.x (latest version 2.3.1 released today) and will continue to support XenForo 2.3.x.
- Additionally, the previously released version 1.2.0 has been renamed to 2.3.0.
- Corrected an error where attempting to download a non-existent resource caused an unexpected error.
- Resolved a rare issue where the download action failed to verify the resource version, causing unexpected error in specific cases.